
Here you'll find a way to submit your questions, report a bug, request a feature or share your creations. Your feedback will help us improve Fluid Design System and ENGIE Group.

BugBug report / Feature request

As humans, we may have made some mistakes... Nobody’s perfect! If you notice any bug or if you want to suggest a new feature for Fluid Design System, please let us know.

For Figma library

  • Found a bug? Something is not working as you want? Please comment directly on the Fluid Figma file where the bug is located
    Comment on Figma
  • Thing about a new feature? A new component? Have any suggestions? Tell us more through the following form. Provide as much information as possible so we can answer correctly.
    Suggest a feature

For code libraries

We are using GitHub Issues for bug tracking. The best way to get your bug fixed is by creating a clear and concise issue directly through the link below.

Before any feature request, make sure you checked the changelog, perhaps your needs are already under development.

Open a Github Issue


We are really excited that you are interested in contributing to the Fluid Design System !


You designed a component and think it has its place in the Fluid library ?

Contribute in Figma!


Before contributing, make sure you read the set of guidelines available in the contributing guide. It will tell you more about the project structure and how to setup the development server.

Github repository

screenShare your productions

Feel free to share any of your work created with Fluid Design System!

We can't wait to see what you built with Fluid! You can send us a link to your website or upload some screenshots.

Show us what you built