
Typography is the structure of every well-designed interface. It is used to guide users through the interface and help them understand the logic behind the interface intuitively.

Fluid Typography

Fluid Typography is composed of tokens that include specific font values such as font family, size, and line height. These typography tokens can be implemented in code wherever text styles are used in design and Figma.

Apply heading, body, and code text styles in your designs. Each style features optimized spacing values based on font size and is designed to integrate seamlessly with our other foundations like Fluid Colors and Fluid Sizes.

Typography Principles


Fluid Typography, Tokens and Components are designed with accessibility in mind. Coding your typographic experiences correctly ensures that assistive technologies can accurately interpret and present your content.


Readability is essential for effective communication. Proper line length, font size, and spacing make text easy to read and understand. By optimizing these elements, we ensure that users can comfortably read content without strain, enhancing their overall experience.


Harmony in typography creates a balanced and cohesive visual experience. By using a consistent typescale and maintaining uniform spacing and alignment, we achieve a harmonious design. This balance enhances readability accross ENGIE’s products.


Product fonts

Product fonts are specifically chosen for digital interfaces, ensuring legibility and readability across various screen sizes and resolutions.


Use for all digital content.

Roboto Mono

Use for numbers and code content.

Brand fonts

Brand fonts are designed to reflect the brand's identity and are typically used in print materials, logos, and other offline applications.

Clan Pro

Do not use for digital applications.

To download, please contact the brand direction of ENGIE.

Right Grotesk

Do not use for digital applications.

To download, please contact the brand direction of ENGIE.


Figma style
Font size
Line height
Font family
Font weight
Aa Heading 2XL 4.75 rem / 76 px 5.5 rem / 88 px default bold h1
Aa Heading XL 3.375 rem / 54 px 4 rem / 64 px default bold h2
Aa Heading L (default) 2.25 rem / 36 px 3 rem / 48 px default bold h3
Aa Heading M 1.75 rem / 28 px 2.25 rem / 36 px default bold h4
Aa Heading S 1.5 rem / 24 px 2 rem / 32 px default regular, bold h5
Aa Heading XS 1.25 rem / 20 px 1.75 rem / 28 px default regular, bold h6
Figma style
Font size
Line height
Font family
Font weight
Aa Text L 1.125 rem / 18 px 1.5 rem / 24 px default, monospace regular, bold, italic p
Aa Text M (default) 1 rem / 16 px 1.5 rem / 24 px default, monospace regular, bold, italic p
Aa Text S 0.875 rem / 14 px 1.25 rem / 20 px default, monospace regular, bold, italic small
Aa Text XS 0.75 rem / 12 px 1 rem / 16 px default, monospace regular, bold, italic small


Headings are used for page titles or subheadings to introduce content. They are designed to contrast with body content, enhancing visual hierarchy and helping readers easily understand the content structure.

  • Heading XL and 2XL are ideal for brand and marketing content.
  • Heading M and L are suitable for page titles.
  • Heading S is used for large components where space is not limited.
  • Heading XS is perfect for titles in small components where space is limited.


Text is used for the main content, typically following headings. It serves as detailed descriptions and messages but can also stand alone in components.

  • Text L is the size for long-form content, such as blogs.
  • Text M is the default size for all common text content.
  • Text XS and S should be used sparingly for secondary level content.

Do / Dont's

Line length

Don’t allow lines of text to run too long, as this can cause eye strain and make reading difficult. Managing line length is crucial for readability. Optimal line length ensures that content is comfortable to read and enhances overall user experience.
Aim for an optimal line length of 50-75 characters per line to enhance readability. Typically, 50-75 characters per line is considered ideal for most text blocks, helping to create a balanced and pleasant reading experience.

Visual hierarchy

Don’t use too many font styles and weights, as it can clutter the design and confuse the visual hierarchy. Effective visual hierarchy ensures that the most important information catches the user's attention first.
Use different font sizes and weights to establish a clear visual hierarchy. By using different font styles, designers can guide users through the content, making it easier and understand.